6 Things for Co-Signers to Consider

General Lyndsay Gavrilovic 15 Oct

Are you thinking about co-signing on a loan? If you’re looking to help out a family member or loved one, this is a great way to do that as a co-signer can help overcome stress testing and borrowing limits.

However, it is important to be aware of the implications when co-signing on any loan.

  1. Credit History: If you are acting as a co-signor or guarantor on any loan, you essentially allow them access to your credit history. This means, if the borrower is late on the payments or there are issues with the loan, it will affect your credit score as well as theirs.
  2. Legal Implications: Always be sure to understand the taxes, legal and estate situations that go along with co-signing, should the borrower fail to pay. A lawyer can help you review the loan agreement and advise of any items you may need to take note of.
  3. Timeline: Understanding how many years the co-signer agreement will be in place and what your options are for making changes will help you determine the scope of the loan and if you are able to make changes at any point should the borrower become able to assume the entirety of the mortgage on their own in the future.
  4. Personal Income Tax: Depending on the loan, you may have an obligation to pay capital gains taxes so it is a good idea to review your personal tax situation with an accountant prior to signing off on the co-borrower agreement to ensure no surprises.
  5. Relationship with Borrower: This is a vital consideration for going in on any loan. Do you trust the individual? Are you aware of their financial situation? Are you willing to potentially put yourself at risk to assist them? These are all important questions as many of us may want to help out family or loved ones, but it is important to ensure that the individual is reliable.
  6. Future Finances: Lastly, consider your future finances and if you had any plans in the future that could be impacted by an additional loan. How much flexibility do you need for yourself and your family? If you have plans to refinance for a renovation or make changes to your own mortgage, being a co-signor could affect your options.Co-signing for a loan always requires careful consideration as it is a large responsibility. However, when done correctly and with people you trust, it can be a great way to assist family members or loved ones with their goal of homeownership. If you are considering co-signing on a loan and have any questions or would like more clarity, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me today!

    -Written by DLC Marketing Team

Going away? Vacation checklist for your home

General Lyndsay Gavrilovic 5 Oct

Whether you’re jetting off to sunshine and warm sand, an international adventure, or a weekend getaway, before you go there are a few things you can do to protect your home while you’re away!

  1. Unplug all electronics and appliances: To reduce energy costs while you are traveling (and mitigate any risk of unexpected fires), it is a good idea to unplug all electronics and appliances. This includes your microwave, toaster, televisions, entertainment and gaming systems, computers, etc.
  2. Clear out your fridge and take out any trash: The last thing anyone wants is to come back home and realize they forgot to clean up before they left! To avoid any odours or unwelcome surprises when you get home, be sure to clear out your fridge and take out any and all trash before heading off on your holidays!
  3. Adjust your thermostat: While potentially not as necessary for a weekend getaway, this is extra important for longer trips. Depending on when you’re traveling, whether it is summer versus winter, you may want to adjust your thermostat to maintain humidity balance and avoid your home being stuffy when you return. On the other hand, some individuals will opt to leave their thermostats at a comfortable temperature when traveling during colder seasons to ensure a nice warm welcome upon return!
  4. Close and lock all windows and additional entrances: Ensure that all your windows and entrances are locked and sealed tight. You can choose to close blinds or leave them open, depending on your comfort levels and the items in your home. Be mindful that the more you leave open, the more potential thieves will be able to see inside.
  5. Water plants: Again, depending on the length of your trip, you may be fine to simply give your plants one last big drink before traveling, or you may consider having someone check on your home while you’re away and look after your plants.
  6. Set up a pet sitter and/or someone to check on your home: Similar to point five, depending on your situation and whether or not you have pets, you may choose to have someone stay in your home or pop by every day to check on them and provide food and water. In some cases, you may opt to board your pet instead, but having someone stop by your home every other day while you’re away is a good rule of thumb to avoid potential issues.
  7. Leave a vehicle in your driveway: This is a simple step that can help with deterring potential thieves by implying that there is someone at home.
  8. Set your home alarm: If you have an alarm installed, be sure to set it to an appropriate level for while you’re away. If you leave your alarm activated, be sure to provide the code to whomever will be checking your home, as well as potentially a neighbour you trust should anything happen in the home. If you don’t have a home alarm, you may consider setting your lights on a timer or utilizing a motion sensor bulb to create the illusion of movement in your home.
  9. Check your smoke detector: Ensure your smoke detector is working properly before you leave. Turning off your electronics per step 1 and adjusting your thermostat per step 3 will assist with reducing any potential risk of fire damage, but having a working smoke alarm is imperative to alert neighbours for quick action while you are out of your home.
    1. Leave your emergency contact information with a neighbour: Lastly, we have mentioned neighbours a few times as, depending on your relationship with them, they are important contacts for when you are traveling. If you have someone else stopping by to check your home, it can be a good idea to simply leave that individual’s contact information with a neighbour so that your trusted friend can check out any situations that might arise.


    At the end of the day, a few quick checks to your home can save you a headache while you’re trying to enjoy your holidays, and also reduce any issues upon return!

    -Written by the DLC Marketing Team

Fall Market Update

General Lyndsay Gavrilovic 28 Sep

As you may have heard, The Bank of Canada opted to maintain its policy rate at 5% as of September. The recent rate hikes over the spring and summer have slowed the housing and mortgage markets as potential buyers were unsurprisingly spooked by the rise in mortgage rates. More recently, fixed-rate loans have become more expensive because of the rise in longer-term interest rates. As a result, housing affordability became a bigger hurdle and led to a slight decrease in home prices by 6% in major markets over the summer.

With The Bank of Canada currently maintaining the 5% policy rate, many hope this will be the peak in overnight rate changes. If so, homeowners and potential buyers will be granted some breathing room. We will find out more with their upcoming announcement on October 25th.

As we turn the corner into Fall and start looking ahead to the coming year, analysts are forecasting stronger housing markets. The expectation is that The Bank of Canada will gradually cut interest rates by mid-year, allowing potential buyers to better navigate their affordability.

As the supply shortage continues, new listings are likely to rise and provide much-need inventory. As we move into 2024 and start to see interest rates decrease, motivated sellers will move off the sidelines and housing demand is expected to be resilient.

For anyone who is thinking about purchasing this season, it is important to get pre-approved to guarantee your interest rate for 90-120 days while you shop the market. This way, you will avoid being impacted by potential rate changes and can properly estimate your budget for mortgage costs. Plus, pre-approval will indicate to the seller that you will not have issues obtaining financing (assuming nothing changes between now and the purchase with your job, savings, etc.), which is key during the current economic landscape.

To help you make the best decision possible, download the My Mortgage Toolbox app to determine what you can afford, and what your mortgage would look like at various interest rate levels.

You can also reach out to me a DLC Mortgage Expert today for unbiased advice if you have any concerns, questions or just want to get started on your pre-approval!

-Written by DLC Marketing Team

Avoiding a Fall Financial Storm!

General Lyndsay Gavrilovic 22 Sep

July 7 report from Statistics Canada on the financial state of Canadians says that, “Middle-income earners were affected most by inflationary pressures over the last year, as they spent an average of $1,306 more than they earned in income in the first quarter of 2023, while they had positive net saving of $521 in the first quarter of 2022.”

2022 was financially difficult for many of us… but the data indicates that a financial disaster may be on the way!

If you need some food for thought about how to handle a potential coming financial storm….. here are three things keep in mind.


The “big 3” expenses for Canadians are housing, transportation, and food. Adjusting your lifestyle can save you huge money in these areas. For example, having a roommate isn’t for everyone and you may have grown to like your independence, but it could instantly cut your expenses in half. If you are a homeowner, the demand for rental housing is surging and you may be able to rent a room to a student or even do some short-term Airbnb rentals to help with the mortgage.

Cars are another money pit for Canadians with the average price of a new ride now at $66,000 and financing rates hovering around 7%. The average car payment has gone from $577 in June of 2019 to $797 in June of 2023. Add that to the average Canadian gas prices of $1.68/litre and much higher prices for everything car-related from snow tires to an oil change. It’s easy to see how driving is taking a much bigger bite out of your paycheque these days. Going without a car might not be an option, but the inconvenience caused by going from a two-car family to a one-car family or to a cheaper/smaller/more fuel-efficient car might be looking a lot more tolerable given the savings.

Groceries are expected to run about $16,000 annually in 2023 for a family of four, so food is definitely an area that deserves attention. The news is full of tips and tricks for cutting back, so just start using a few that work for you. It could be searching the flyers and loading up on specials, clipping coupons, buying no-name, sticking to the shopping list, or a combination of these. There is almost always a cheaper food option and you have to balance your menu with your budget… do you buy Starbucks beans or a jumbo can of Folgers ground?


Constantly being worried about “what could happen” only leads to unnecessary anxiety. We are constantly bombarded by cable TV news, you-tubers, internet experts, naysayers, pundits, social media influencers & fin-fluencers… and it can really pile on the stress. It can also lead to a lot of illogical decisions. Nobody can predict the future and we sometimes forget that fact when we are bombarded by hyped-up news reports day after day. Financial market “experts” are a great example. There is always a steady stream of them predicting a huge stock crash and occasionally, they do get it right. However, the truth is that most of these predictions are flat-out wrong, and you would be much better off to ignore them and simply ride out any market downturns.


No matter how much you read or talk about inflation, recession, financial markets, or interest rates, all of these issues are way out of your control. There is no point trying to second-guess what the Bank of Canada may do to interest rates, or which way stock markets will move. If you are going to stress over your finances, focus on the things you can control — like reducing your spending, increasing your income, or learning to better manage and invest your money.

Financial storms come and go and this won’t be the last. Keep you core expenses in check and your mindset calm and you will get through it!

-Written by DLC Marketing Team

How do you Measure Your Financial Growth?

General Lyndsay Gavrilovic 11 Sep

If you are reading this you probably have a keen interest in improving your financial situation — but how are you going to measure your progress?

The easiest way is by setting and achieving a goal. This could be short-term and focused, like wiping out a credit card debt. On the other hand, it could be a long-term goal like burning the mortgage five years ahead of time after twenty years of scrimping and saving.

Achieving either of these goals is a great accomplishment, but they may not tell the whole story. The problem with both of them is they are independent from all of the other factors that affect your financial standing. What if the value of the house you just paid off has dropped 20% over the last year, or you eliminated one credit card balance only to see another card or line of credit head in the opposite direction?

No single metric tells the whole story of your financial progress. Paying yourself first and diligently putting $300 from every paycheque into your RRSP will definitely help you hit your retirement goals. However, you also need to monitor the growth from investing your RRSP as well as any other assets that are contributing to your retirement fund and ensure the total value is steadily tracking towards your goal.

Cash flow is another common measure of financial progress. Tracking your income and expenses helps you understand how much money you have available after covering your costs. Positive cash flow is a surplus that can be used for saving, investing, or paying down debt — but it doesn’t measure how effective you were at putting that cash surplus to work. You may think you are making progress, but if you let the cash sit in a bank savings account instead of a GIC in your TFSA, then you actually made comparatively poor progress.

If you want to keep it simple and look at only one metric to get a holistic view of your financial health, measuring your net worth can provide you with valuable insights. It’s an easy-to-understand concept that will help you analyze your financial health and overall progress towards your financial goals.

Calculating your net worth isn’t all that difficult and although it represents only a snapshot in time, the main advantage is that it provides a comprehensive snapshot. It takes into account all of your assets (such as cash, investments, real estate, and valuable possessions) and subtracts your liabilities (such as debts and loans). Monitoring your net worth forces you to be aware of all your financial accounts and can help you make more informed decisions about your spending, saving, and investing habits.

As you work to increase your assets and reduce your liabilities, your net worth should show positive growth. This signifies that you’re making smart financial decisions and accumulating wealth over time. Seeing your net worth increase can be motivating and reinforce positive financial behaviors. On the flip side, if you notice a decline, it can signal that you need to reevaluate your financial decisions and make necessary adjustments.

Monitoring your net worth helps you understand how effectively you’re building wealth. Although the market value of assets such as stocks or real estate fluctuate, comparing your net worth to previous periods can still help you evaluate the effectiveness of different financial strategies you’ve implemented. This allows you to refine your approach and make changes as needed.

Your net worth is an essential factor in assessing your retirement readiness. It helps you determine if you’re on track to maintain your desired lifestyle during retirement and whether you need to adjust your savings and investment strategies. It can also influence your estate planning decisions. It’s important for determining how you want your assets distributed after your passing and for considering strategies to minimize potential estate taxes.

There are lots of ways to measure financial growth and no one method is perfect, but keeping an eye on your net worth is a relatively easy task that will do wonders for your motivation — why not give it a try?

-Written by DLC Marketing Team

Converting Your Basement to an Income Suite

General Lyndsay Gavrilovic 6 Sep

With the current interest rates and economic scenarios, many Canadians may be looking for ways to bring in some extra cash. One option for this is to put your home equity to work and consider renovating your basement into a legal income suite! You can do this by using a secured credit line (home equity line of credit or HELOC) to help fund the upfront cash to make changes to your home.

A few things to consider before you invest in renovating to create an income suite include:

Zoning: Before looking into doing anything with an income suite, always double-check if you are zoned accordingly for a smooth renovation. If your zoning does not allow for secondary suites, see if you can rezone.

Local Regulations: Depending on your location, there may be particular regulations that you need to follow or be aware of regarding your suite. A few examples of how the regulations can differ between provinces or cities include:

  • In Coquitlam, you cannot have a suite that is more than 40% of the main house floor plan. You are also required to offer a parking spot for tenants.
  • In Kelowna, you can only have one secondary suite and the home must have an “S” designation.
  • In Calgary, updated zoning legislation has now made it easier to add income suites.
  • Toronto has also proposed reforms that will make it easier to add suites.
  • In Montréal, anyone carrying out a project involving the addition of at least 1 dwelling and a residential area of ​​more than 450 m² (equivalent to approximately 5 dwellings) must enter into an agreement with the City of Montréal in order to contribute to the supply of social, affordable and family housing. It can be a new building, an extension, or the conversion of a building.Visit the official municipal websites or consult local building departments to obtain accurate and up-to-date information on the rules and requirements in your area BEFORE getting started.

    Insurance & Legal Considerations: Before adding your secondary suite, ensure that you have proper insurance coverage or the ability to add additional coverage to protect both the primary residence and suite. In addition, you will want to consult a lawyer and draw up a tenant or rental agreement for any potential tenants. Ontario has a mandatory standard lease agreement that all landlords must use.

    Unit Layout and Design: If the zoning and regulations in your area allow you to build an income suite, the next steps are to look at the suite layout and dimensions. Confirm any size restrictions or minimum ceiling height requirements as you are laying out the design for the unit. The unit should have, at minimum the following:

    • A separate parking space for the renter.
    • A separate entrance, kitchen, bathroom, and living/sleeping areas.
    • Ventilation and soundproofing measures to enhance livability.
    • Consideration of natural light.
    • Interlink smoke detectors for primary and secondary residences.
    • Separate, independently-controlled ventilation and heating system.
    • Proper drainage, sewage connections, and utility separations.
    • Outlets, circuits, and lighting that meet electrical code requirements.Ensure that however your income suite is designed, you are hiring the appropriate building, plumbing, and electrical experts to ensure your suite is up to code and avoid any potential disasters.

      Building & Trade Permits: Once you have confirmed that you are properly zoned and able to add an income suite and understand all the regulations for your area, you will want to draft your blueprints and submit a permit application, along with the fee, before you get started. For instance, in B.C. you are required to have a Building Permit for any suite to be considered legal.

      IMPORTANT: Even if you are not required to have a building permit, it is important to get these permits for other aspects including insurance coverage should anything happen. Having a building permit will help protect your investment.

      In addition to your building permits, you will need to get permits for any plumbing, electrical, and gas renovations prior to beginning your work.

      Inspections & License: Once you have your permits and have begun construction, make sure you understand what inspections are required throughout the process and you schedule them accordingly with local authorities to ensure compliance with building codes, fire safety standards, and health regulations.

      If the work meets all requirements, your suite will be approved. The last step is determining if you need a business licence. This is not required if your family (parents, children, etc.) will be living in the suite. In Vancouver, for example, if you intend to rent out your suite long-term, you DO need a license. Be sure to check any rules on this in your area.

      Incentives: Beyond the ability to earn extra income per month, there are a few additional government incentive programs when it comes to suites including:

    • First Nations: If you live on a First Nations reserve, you may be eligible for federal funding that will provide up to $60,000 to help you build an inexpensive secondary suite rental linked to your principal home. If you live in a northern or remote area, this amount is increased 25%. This is a 100% forgivable loan that is not required to be paid back assuming all guidelines are followed.
    • Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) – Secondary and Garden Suites: This program is open to all First Nations or individual First Nation members, particularly those who own a family home that can be converted to include a self-contained suite for a senior or adult with disability.
    • Multigenerational Home Renovation Tax Credit: A credit for a renovation that creates a secondary unit within the dwelling to be occupied by the qualifying individual or a qualifying relation. The value of the credit is 15% of the lesser of qualifying expenditures and $50,000.
    • British Columbia: Beginning in early 2024, BC homeowners will be able to access a forgivable loan of 50% of the cost of renovations, up to a maximum of $40,000 over five years, for income suites.
    • Ontario: There are multiple secondary suite programs throughout Ontario, depending on your region. These loans provide $25,000 to $50,000 in funding and are forgivable assuming continuous ownership for 15 years.

While it is important to look online and do your research. Your best resource will be visiting local authorities at the “City of” to confirm that you completely understand the considerations before moving forward with implementing an income suite.

-Written by DLC Marketing Team

How to Talk to Your Kids about Finances

General Lyndsay Gavrilovic 29 Aug

Financial independence is a critical skill for future success that your children will not learn anywhere else. Not only does financial literacy help your children have more success in life, but it allows them to move out sooner and it avoids delaying your retirement with additional expenses to support them.

So, how do you teach your children about money?

  1. Review Your Attitude Towards Money: The first and most important thing is to examine your own attitude towards money. Are you a penny pincher? Frivolous spender? Do you buy on impulse, or take a long time to make a purchase? How much debt do you have? Your financial habits will shape your children. To ensure that you are setting them up for their best financial future, parents need to consider what messages they are sending with their own money habits.
  2. Give Your Children an Allowance: Providing an allowance to your children (especially one in exchange for chores) is an age-old way of teaching your kids about money. A good guideline is $1.00 per year of your child’s age. For a 10-year-old, this would be $10 per week.
  3. Teach Your Child to Save: If you are giving your child $10 per week in allowance for chores, encourage them to put even just $1 per week into a piggy bank. In six months, show them how much money they have saved and talk to them about why it is important, and what they can do with that larger amount now.
  4. Encourage Kids to Think Before They Buy: While it’s hard to get a 10-year-old excited about an RRSP, there are other ways to help them plan ahead. One is to encourage them to think about their purchases before they commit. They saw a toy on TV and they have to have it – teach them about how advertisements are designed to make you want something. Ask them to wait a week. Do they still want it?
  5. Involve Your Children in the Family Finances: It is more valuable than you might think to let your kids see and hear you discuss financial planning; let them be part of opening and paying bills or planning vacations. Explain why and how much you pay for certain things and discuss affordable choices. This helps them be part of the conversation and will work to instill a sense of financial responsibility as they grow up.Remember, you are the best example to your children about money. Don’t be afraid to share the ups and downs with them. Be patient with your kids, but don’t give up! The best thing you can do as a parent is to promote financial security and independence.

    Written By DLC Marketing Team

Choosing Your Ideal Payment Frequency

General Lyndsay Gavrilovic 21 Aug

Your payment schedule is the frequency that you make mortgage payments and ranges from monthly to bi-monthly, bi-weekly, accelerated bi-weekly or even weekly payments. Below is a quick overview of what each of these payment frequencies mean:

Monthly Payments: A monthly payment is simply a single large payment, paid once per month; this is the default that sets your amortization. A 25-year mortgage, paid monthly, will take 25 years to pay off but includes the added burden of one larger payment coming from one employment pay period. With this payment frequency, you make 12 payments per year.

Example: $750k mortgage, 3-year fixed rate, 5.34%, 30-year amortization you would have a monthly payment of $4,156.19. No term savings; no amortization savings.

Bi-Weekly Payments: A bi-weekly mortgage payment is a total of 26 payments per year, calculated by multiplying your monthly mortgage payment by 12 months and divided by the 26 pay periods.

Example: $750k mortgage, 3-year fixed rate, 5.34%, 30-year amortization you would have a bi-weekly payment of $1,915.98 with term savings of $177 and total amortization savings of $1,769.

Accelerated Bi-Weekly Payments: An accelerated bi-weekly mortgage payment is also 26 payments per year, but the payment amount is higher than a regular bi-weekly payment frequency. Opting for an accelerated bi-weekly payment will not only pay your mortgage off quicker, but it’s guaranteed to save you a significant amount of money over the term of your mortgage. This frequency also allows the mortgage payment to be split up into smaller payments vs a single, larger payment per month. This is especially ideal for households who get paid every two weeks as the reduction in cash flow is more on track with incoming income.

Example: $750k mortgage, 3-year fixed rate, 5.34%, 30-year amortization you would have accelerated bi-weekly payments of $2,078.10 with term savings of $1,217 and total amortization savings of $145,184. Plus, you would save 4 years, 12 months of payments by reducing scheduled amortization.

Weekly Payments: Similar to monthly payments, your weekly mortgage payment frequency is calculated by multiplying your monthly mortgage payment by 12 months and dividing by 52 weeks in a year. In this case, you would make 52 payments a year on your mortgage.

Example: $750k mortgage, 3-year fixed rate, 5.34%, 30-year amortization you would have weekly payments of $957.50 with term savings of $253 and total amortization savings of $2,526. You can move to accelerated weekly payments to save even more!

Prepayment Privileges: In addition to fine-tuning your payment schedule, most mortgage products include prepayment privileges that enable you to pay up to 20% of the principal (the true value of your mortgage minus the interest payments) per calendar year. This can help reduce your amortization period (the length of your mortgage).

By exercising your prepayment privileges, you can take time off your mortgage. For instance:

  • Extra $50 bi-weekly is $32,883 total savings and an additional 1 year, 2 months time saved
  • Extra $100 bi-weekly is $62,100 in total savings and an additional 2 years, 3 months time saved on your mortgage
  • Extra $200 bi-weekly is $111,850 in total savings and an additional 4 years, 1 month of time saved on your mortgage.

Understanding the different payment frequencies can be key in managing your monthly cash flow. If you’re struggling to meet a large payment, breaking it up can be effective; while the same can be true of the opposite. Individuals struggling to make a weekly or bi-weekly payment, may benefit from one monthly sum where they have time to collect the funds.

Contact me a Dominion Lending Centres mortgage expert for more information or download  My Mortgage Toolbox app from Google Play or the Apple Store and check out the different payment calculators!

Written by DLC Marketing Team

It’s Time to Crush Your Credit Card Blues

General Lyndsay Gavrilovic 16 Aug

Although credit cards interest rates have not been affected by the recent surge in the prime lending rate, the fact remains that credit card debt is usually the most expensive debt you can have. The average is around 20% and even the so-called ‘low interest’ cards carry a rate in excess of 10%. Expediting the demise of your credit card balance should be the number one focus for anyone looking to improve their financial situation. Here are five actions to get you started.

  1. If you are carrying a balance, the first step is to put the card(s) away. Whether you put them in the food processor or just temporarily turn them off (our recommendation), you need to own up to your mistake and not add any more fuel to the fire. If it’s the case where you have no choice but to use the card (a prepayment for example) make sure to make a payment to cover that charge right away.
  2. Take a minute to fully understand the consequences of a credit card balance. Search out the details of your credit card statement until your find the section that tells you exactly how many years it will take to eliminate that balance with minimum payments. While you are at it, make sure to confirm the interest charge for that month and just how little of your payment is actually going toward reducing the balance. It can be a bit shocking, but also quite motivating! The government has a simple online calculator for you to easily analyze different repayment options.
  3. Plan your repayment attack. Making a few random spending sacrifices and hoping that you will have a little more left at the end of the month to pay towards your card is wishful thinking. You need to figure out ASAP the maximum amount you can throw at your credit card debt every month and chart out when you are going to be debt-free. Set up an automatic transfer from your bank account to your card every payday and make that money invisible – you can’t spend what you can’t see!
  4. Investigate balance-transfer credit card options… but only if you have a plan and are confident you can pay off the balance within the prescribed period! A balance transfer card shifts your debt to a new card (for little or no fee) which offers a limited time period (usually 6 -12 months) with a very low interest rate (often 0%) to pay off the balance. This cuts your interest expense to zero and ensures that 100% of your payment goes to reducing the balance. However, you have to be very disciplined and have the income to make regular payments. The card company is literally banking on you to fail and hopes you will miss the payment deadline, because that will trigger an avalanche of penalties, fees and interest charges that will put you worse off than ever!
  5. Pick up the phone and call your card company. It might be more possible and easier than you think to actually negotiate a lower interest rate on your credit card. If you have had a card for a while and have been carrying a balance and making the minimum payments, you are a valued customer! Your card issuer is very interested in keeping your business and may be willing to negotiate. You will have to get through to the right people and know what to say, but 15 or 20 minutes on the phone could save you a chunk of cash – even a few percentage points would help.

The above tips will help you get started on the road to eliminating your credit card balance. There are no shortcuts and it may require a lot of sacrifice depending on how much debt you have, but the mental burden that lifts when you see a big zero under “balance due” it will be worth it!

Written by DLC Marketing Team

Market Beware: Subject Free Offers

General Lyndsay Gavrilovic 7 Aug

Market Beware: Subject Free Offers.

When it comes to purchasing a home, most offers include conditions or subjects, which are requirements or criteria to be met before the sale can be finalized and the property is transferred. Some of the most common subjects include:

  • Financing approval
  • Home inspection
  • Fire/home insurance protection
  • Strata document review if appliable

The purpose of these subjects is to protect the buyer from making a poor investment and ensure that there are no hidden surprises when it comes to financing, insurance, or the state of the property.

These conditions are written up in the purchase offer with a date of removal. This is agreed to by the seller before the sale is finalized. Assuming the subjects are lifted by the date of removal, the sale can go through. If the subjects are not lifted (perhaps financing falls through or something is revealed during the home inspection), the buyer can waive the offer and the purchase becomes void.

However recently, especially in heightened housing markets, there has been an emergence of subject-free (or condition-free) offers. These are purchase offers that are submitted without any criteria required! Essentially, what you see is what you get.

Below we have outlined the impact of subject-free offers on both buyers and sellers to help you better understand the risks and outcomes:

Pros of Subject-Free Offers

  • Buyers: The main benefit of a subject-free offer for a buyer is the ability to “beat the competition” in a heated market. However, it is not without risks.
  • Sellers: Typically, a subject-free offer will include a competitive price, willingness to work with the dates the seller prefers, and evidence that the buyer has already done as much research as possible. If time is sensitive for the seller because they are trying to purchase another home or want to move as soon as possible, they may also choose your offer over subject offers to expedite the process.

Cons of Subject-Free Offers

  • Buyers: As a buyer submitting a subject-free offer, you are assuming a great deal of risk in several areas including financing, inspection, and insurance:
    • Financing: While buyers may feel that they have a pre-approval and so they don’t require a subject to financing, it is important to recognize that a pre-approval is not a guarantee of financing. If you are submitting a subject-free purchase based on a pre-approval, buyer beware. The financing is subject to the lender approving the property and the sale; from the price and location to type of property or other variables the lender deems important. By submitting a subject-free offer without a financing guarantee (or an inspection, title check, etc.), there is a risk that the deal can fall through. Even when you do not include subjects on the offer, you still are required to finance your purchase. In addition, as deals are submitted typically with a deposit, there is a risk that if the subject-free offer falls through the buyer will lose their deposit. This amount can range vary in the thousands and is typically a percentage of the purchase price or down payment.
    • Inspection & Insurance: If a buyer is also opting to skip the home inspection and home insurance protection subjects to have the offer accepted, then they assume huge risk as they do not know what they are getting and whether or not the property is up to code for insurance.
    • Due Diligence: With subject-free offers, there is no opportunity for due diligence after the offer has been made. This requires the buyer to do all their research before their initial bid. Because it is firm and binding, a buyer who decides to back out will likely be met with serious legal ramifications. Submitting an offer without subjects is not due diligence and it is at the buyer’s behest.
  • For Sellers: When it comes to the individual selling the property, there is less risk with subject-free offers but not zero. While the benefit is essentially there is no wait to accept the offer on the seller’s side, they do not know for sure if financing will come through.

Financing Around Subject-Free Offers

When submitting a subject-free offer, it is essentially up to the buyer to do as much due diligence as possible before submitting. They will need to identify what the lender is looking for to make sure they walk away with a mortgage. Though approval is never certain, prospective buyers placing a subject-free offer should do their very best to secure financing beforehand.

Contractual Obligations

Be mindful when it comes to purchasing offers versus purchase agreements. While your purchase offer is a written proposal to purchase, the purchase agreement is a full contract between the buyer and seller. The purchase offer acts as a letter of intent, setting the terms you propose to buy the home. If financing falls through, for example, then the contract is breached and this is where the buyer may lose the deposit.

It is also important to be aware of a breach of contract in the event that a seller chooses to take action. For example, if you submit a subject-free offer of $500,000 and cannot secure financing for that offer and the seller turns around and is only able to get a $400,000 deal with another buyer, they could potentially sue the initial buyer for the difference due to breach of contract.

Preparing a Subject-Free Offer

If you have decided to go ahead with a subject-free offer, regardless of the risks, there are some things you can do to mitigate potential issues, including:

  • Get Pre-Approved: Again, this is not a guarantee of financing when you do make an offer, but it can help you determine whether you would be approved or not.
  • Financing Review: Identify what the lender is looking for to make sure they walk away with a mortgage. Though approval is never certain, prospective buyers placing a subject-free offer should do their very best to secure financing beforehand.
  • Do Your Due Diligence: Look into the property and determine if there have been major renovations or a history of damage. This could come in the form of a Property Disclosure Statement. While this statement cannot substitute a proper inspection, it can help identify potential issues or areas of concern. If possible, conduct an inspection before submitting your bid/offer.
  • Get Legal Advice: This can help you determine your potential risk and ramifications of the offer should it be accepted, or otherwise.
  • Title Review: Be sure to review the title of the property.
  • Insurance: Confirm that you are able to purchase insurance for the home. Keep in mind, an inspection may be required for this but in some cases, you can substitute for a depreciation report if it is recent.
  • Strata Documents (if applicable): Thoroughly review strata meeting minutes and any related documents to determine areas of concern.

While there are things that can be done to help with subject-free offers, it is still risky. Ultimately submitting an offer with subjects gives you the time and ability to gather information on the above, as well as access to the property or home for inspections.

If you are intent on submitting a subject-free offer, be sure to discuss it with your real estate agent as they can determine if a subject-free offer is necessary, or if perhaps a short closing window would suffice to seal the deal. A good realtor will keep you informed of potential interest and other bids during the process as well. Their goal should be to maximize your opportunity and minimize your risk. In addition, before making any offers, be sure to check with your DLC mortgage expert to discuss your mortgage and financing so you can make the best decision.

Written by DLC Marketing Team